public static function decode( $context, $text ) { $decoded = ''; $end = strlen( $text ); $at = 0; $was_at = 0; while ( $at < $end ) { $next_character_reference_at = strpos( $text, '&', $at ); if ( false === $next_character_reference_at || $next_character_reference_at >= $end ) { break; } $character_reference = self::read_character_reference( $context, $text, $next_character_reference_at, $token_length ); if ( isset( $character_reference ) ) { $at = $next_character_reference_at; $decoded .= substr( $text, $was_at, $at - $was_at ); $decoded .= $character_reference; $at += $token_length; $was_at = $at; continue; } ++$at; } if ( 0 === $was_at ) { return $text; } if ( $was_at < $end ) { $decoded .= substr( $text, $was_at, $end - $was_at ); } return $decoded; } class WP_HTML_Stack_Event { /** * Refers to popping an element off of the stack of open elements. * * @since 6.6.0 */ const POP = 'pop'; /** * Refers to pushing an element onto the stack of open elements. * * @since 6.6.0 */ const PUSH = 'push'; /** * References the token associated with the stack push event, * even if this is a pop event for that element. * * @since 6.6.0 * * @var WP_HTML_Token */ public $token; /** * Indicates which kind of stack operation this event represents. * * May be one of the class constants. * * @since 6.6.0 * * @see self::POP * @see self::PUSH * * @var string */ public $operation; /** * Indicates if the stack element is a real or virtual node. * * @since 6.6.0 * * @var string */ public $provenance; /** * Constructor function. * * @since 6.6.0 * * @param WP_HTML_Token $token Token associated with stack event, always an opening token. * @param string $operation One of self::PUSH or self::POP. * @param string $provenance "virtual" or "real". */ public function __construct( $token, $operation, $provenance ) { $this->token = $token; $this->operation = $operation; $this->provenance = $provenance; } } Founder’s Introduction 创始人介绍 – Thanyapura


Carl Philipp Graf von Hardenberg, Dr. h. c.




在为丽思卡尔顿效力的近八年时间里,  我曾在许多国家和地区工作过,包括担任纽约、休斯顿和悉尼丽思卡尔敦酒店的总经理,澳大利亚区域的运营高级副总裁,以及欧洲与中东区域的开发和运营高级副总裁。


2014年,我加入了位于普吉岛的塔亚普拉运动健康度假区(Thanyapura Sports & Health Resort Phuket),担任首席执行官和总裁,并于2015年担任塔亚普拉世界(Thanyapura World)新加坡集团公司的执行主席和总裁,同时我也是创始人、股东和董事。


作为一名慈善家,我是泰国世界联合学院 (UWC) 的联合创办人,并作为UWC国际发展理事会的成员服务了几年。我是德国和泰国“儿童世界学院”(‘Children’s World Academy’)基金会的创始人,也是泰国私立公共福利和教育示范学校 ‘Yaowawit’ . 的创始人。我是史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格的“大屠杀基金会”的董事(Steven Spielberg’s ‘Shoah Foundation’),也是“德国科学技术基金会”( ‘Stifterverband fuer die Deutsche Wissenschaft’)大使。